



The Monkton Inn Car Park, West Monkton
O/D The Monkton Inn


Need A New Volunteer for Hairlines






Tom Tom
assisted by Neve

Master Thatcher, Lisieux Way, Taunton





Dunster Steep Car Park, Dunster

TA24 6AS



P2L & Why Bother



















Monday, 31 December 2012

Run 719 - Brush Off North Petherton O/D the Globe

Hounds:- Bangkok, Ferret, Chris, Pink2Lips, Why Bother, Tenzing, Liz, Martini, Big Bird, Grasshopper, Dave, Gymslip, WAM, JB, DiTW’s, Justin, Marco.

On arrival, we found Why Bother and Pink2Lips wondering if they were in the right place, a very full car park but not a hasher in sight.

Two and on its wet and muddy!!! Well what did we expect?
After a few laps of North Petherton, Pink 2 Lips announced we had lost Why Bother, no one seemed bothered except her apparently he had the car keys.
We then got off road where we found the mud and some nicely chilled water, slipped and slid on the downhill bit with excited screeches (that was just the blokes) then merrily squelched around the fields, still slipping and sliding onto yet more very wet fields.

The regroup was after a check with an arrow to make the front runners go a bit further, but only Ferret tried to follow it with Why Bother remarking on how grumpy he was that night.
We had homemade minced pies at the regroup, Martini found someone to talk too over a Laurel hedge, before the pack charged off as the rain started to fall; well we wouldn’t want to get wet would we?

We set off along the road only to turn off onto a farm track where the choice was either to balance along the middle calf deep in mud or in the tyre tracks, knee deep in cold water, what a choice.
Bangkok remarked that this was the first time when running from North Petherton the run hadn’t gone into Kings Cliff woods, Brush Off not wanting to disappoint had actually gone in a little way, only to run out of flour and marking what he believed was a check back causing some of the pack to scuttle around trying to find an alternative route convinced it should go up and out onto the top road WRONG!!! It went back, then through more very wet fields and out opposite the car park.
Good hash Brush off. 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


In an unprecedented move, tonight's run has been cancelled due to abnormal amounts of flood water everywhere! ....... has this ever happened before in the history of Bridgwater Towpath H3?

We may be tough but we prefer to run than swim ....... !!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Run 713 - Bankok Halloween Run


Hare Bangkok

Hounds Liz, Big Bird, Phantom
Grasshopper, Marco, Tenzing, David, Justin

At the start the pack was diminished in numbers, the Witches about to depart on their broomstick to the other side of the world, and Brush Off socializing. Grasshopper was dressed up menacingly with cape and wizardry.

Bangkok having just returned from laying the trail gave us our instructions. Two & on, alternative trails will be marked at some checks L ( long ) & S ( short ) , no sweeties since we were to be fed at Bangkok’s base.

Pack set off down Sea Lane, at a check some hares go straight on, David gets lost down track on right, but manages to hang on, Up front hounds were checking at Packhouse Farm. Picked up trail and over fields back to Sea Lane by ruined chantry, then on on through car park and check at Victorian retort. Pack set off to the beach, Marco not knowing about the sea wants to jump off the cliff, but is persuaded to continue with us.
Next check had the pack trying every possible route to no avail, then Tenzing and Grasshopper decide to head back on a nearby path to the car park. Grasshopper busy looking for flour so does not see the barrier across the route, crunch.

Pack presses on along a track up a ridge between fields, going very slippery. Marco and Grasshopper up front again. At Kilton Park Wood David checks one way but cannot find flour. On returning he passes Liz, Bird Bird and Grasshopper taking the short route which had just been marked, but David doubles back for the long route through the woods. Eventually he catches up with the pack, but realizes that his torch is low on power, and stumbles along. Meanwhile the three hounds on the short route have time to stare at some deer in the open, approaching close to them before the deer showed them how to run fast.

On the way back to the start now up Hilltop Lane, a long steady climb, then check right down a narrow footpath back to Kilve.  Path was like a stream with water flowing down the middle rocky rut, but great fun if you had light to see by.

On down to Bangkok’s base, where Ferret was on domestic duty. Big Bird put on her party gear going in. What a spread, and pack further reduced in numbers (did they get lost?) but very cozy by the wood burner in the conservatory.

Thanks to Bangkok & Ferret for the run and refreshments.

Next weeks run 14 Nov Hares: P2L & Why Bother

Run 712 - Chunky & Bigbird

Hairs:- Chunky and Bigbird.               
Howns:- Eighteen, of the best.
Trail:- Mud, mud, glorious mud.
On Down:- Winchester Arms.
A bold Hasher boy was standing one day
On the banks of the cool River Tone.
He gazed at the bottom as he peacefully lay
By the light of the evening moon.
Away on the hilltop sat combing her hair
His fair Hasher maid
The Hasher boy was no ignoramus
And sang her this sweet serenade
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud

The fair Hasher maid he aimed to entice
from her seat on that hilltop above.
As she hadn't got a ma to give her advice
came tiptoeing down to her love
Like thunder the forest re-echoed the sound
of the song that they sang when they met
His inamorata adjusted her garter
and lifted her voice in duet
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud.
Now more hashers began to convene
On the banks of that river so wide
I wonder now what I am to say of the scene
That ensued by the Tone River side
They dived all at once with an ear-splitting sposh
Then rose to the surface again
A regular army of Hashers
All singing this haunting refrain

Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud

The amorous Hasher whose love song we know
Is now married and father of ten,
He murmurs, "God rot 'em all!" as he watches them grow,
And he longs to be single again!
He'll gambol no more on the banks of the Nile,
Which Nasser is flooding next spring,
With Hashers in silken pyjamas
No more will he teach them to sing...
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud

Thank You Bigbird and Chunky for a very SHIGGY hash.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Run 711 - Dormouse Lydeard st Lawrence

Hare Dormouse
Hounds: Why Bother, Chunky, Big
Bird, M’Bongo, Bangkok, Brush off, Liz, P2L, JB, WAM, Ferret, Floater, David, Gymslip,Tenzing and Withy.

The Hare told us that there had been some robberies in the area and land owners were likely to shoot first and ask questions later if anyone was seen on their land. Luckily Dormouse had let people know we were coming so there should be no problem. On On was called and we were directed to the back of car park
through a gate and along a path. The trail took us up long steep hills and through several gates and stiles. At one point we went up and up a field searching for flour but could not find any. The Hare, who was with us, decided we had gone too far to the right so we went down the hill again until we found the right way.

On we went through a gate and on left. More hills followed and at one point I was sure we were heading for Willets tower, but I was wrong. Apparently there was a faller, but I didnt see it. Later I found out it was Floater. We had to get under several wire fences and Chunky resorted to crawl under on e of them. After some muddy slippery tracks we went through a Mango field and arrived at the regroup where we enjoyed a selection of sweets.

Then it was on on through some ones back garden, past a table and chairs and
up some steps. The only animals on the route were some dogs barking nearby. At one point we crossed the road and went up hill again, eventually coming into Lydeard ST Lawrence. After going the wrong way we turned around and found the way back to the car park.

Lovely run Dormouse.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Run 710 - WAM! Birthday Hash

Run Number: 710: 10th Oct 2012
Venue:  Posh House, Watermans House.
Hare: WAM!

Hounds:  Phantom,  Floater, P2L, Why Bother. Big Bird,Tenzing, Grasshopper, Justin, Mark, JB, Brushoff, Liz, Gymslip, Sorepoint, 

There for food: Bangkok, Ferret

Arrive at birthday girl’s house on a “dry” crisp evening.
Quick briefing from our host about mud and the option to clean off your trainers during the hash, muddy and wet then!
Off right and away through the church toward Allerford crossing the main railway line (no trains ordered this week to wave at), on through the recently harvested potato field then the mud and more mud. Then the water. Arrive at the Allerford Inn.
Check and left on road back toward Hillfarrance to another check and right through Pontispool and then left along the old railway branch line towards Milverton. Check right past some barns and then left only to have done a large loop and back On Inn to Watermans House.

Lovely run thank you.

All changed and refreshed to sample the delights of Wams culinary exploits which were enjoyed by all followed by birthday cake and a rendition of Happy Birthday. The singing, hummm, I would suggest none of the hash give up their day jobs!

Now what don’t you do when it’s a ladies (loose term!) birthday………… ask here age! Do you Grasshopper!!  

Next weeks athletic outing…………………

712 24-Oct-12 Winchester Arms, Trull, Big Bird and Chunky

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Parrett Relay

Teams mis-management/mis-administration: Ferret and Bangkok  
Mis-directions, body malfunctions and other mistakes: Ours
Weather:  Sunny; odd rogue light shower, brisk south-easterly; 12˚C
Ground condition: Soggy (mud); water in hollows on trail
Pleasure rating: High (what else would we be doing?)

Lovely Ladies, Young Guns and Old Boys.

A traditional sunny Parrett Trail day welcomed our 3 teams on Sat 13th Oct to battle it out among the 34 team entries.
Jackie had a family crisis and was unable to run, leaving our ladies team a member short, but we all send our best wishes to Jackie and the family and hope for good news.

With 10 Parrett Trail virgins in our teams this year, there were bound to be some making mistakes with the route.  I know that Justin went wrong a couple of times, and so did Keith.
There were also a few mistakes with the results; our ‘Old Boys’ team being given one hour more than was correct on their total time.

The over fifties team, strangely called ‘Young Guns’, finished in 23rd place.  Eleven teams finished between 7:02:00 and 7:36:00, and Keith’s excellent 8th place in Leg 6 helped put the team into the mix in 7:23:31, only one minute, 52 seconds behind Exmouth Mens B.

For the Ladies, Michelle ran really strongly to claim 18th place on the 7.7 mile Leg 4 in1:10:28.

Earlier, before the start of Leg 3, Liz received a phone call from Justin.  He and Marcus hadn’t got any drawing pins to fix their numbers.  Liz was lucky not to hurt herself as she fell out of the car laughing, composing herself enough to reassure the lads that we had something much safer to fix their race numbers with.

Leg 1,  9.1m
Leg 2, 5.6m
Leg 3, 7.7m
Leg 4, 7.7m
Leg 5,  9.5m
Leg 6, 8.6
Tony H
Floater 57:03
Marcus 1:11:00
David B
Paul 1:48:40
WAM 1:32:52
Big Bird 57:32
Michelle 1:10:28
Just Bull 1:40:31

Brush Off
There are professional photos of all our runners on legs 1, 3, 5 and 6 on the CrewkerneRunning Club website.    There are also very good amateur photos of our runners that can be downloaded for free; Ham Hill, Langport, Leg 3, Leg 4 and the finish of Leg 6.  
Leg 2 runners were not photogenic, it seems.

Map of Leg 1 Parrett Relay

Not a bad run .......  weather fairly kind, music helped, long grass trodden down by the time I got there!!