Run Number: 710: 10th Oct 2012
Venue: Posh House, Watermans House.
Hare: WAM!
Hounds: Phantom, Floater, P2L, Why Bother. Big Bird,Tenzing, Grasshopper, Justin, Mark, JB, Brushoff, Liz, Gymslip, Sorepoint,
There for food: Bangkok, Ferret
Arrive at birthday girl’s house on a “dry” crisp evening.
Quick briefing from our host about mud and the option to clean off your trainers during the hash, muddy and wet then!
Off right and away through the church toward Allerford crossing the main railway line (no trains ordered this week to wave at), on through the recently harvested potato field then the mud and more mud. Then the water. Arrive at the Allerford Inn.
Check and left on road back toward Hillfarrance to another check and right through Pontispool and then left along the old railway branch line towards Milverton. Check right past some barns and then left only to have done a large loop and back On Inn to Watermans House.
Lovely run thank you.
All changed and refreshed to sample the delights of Wams culinary exploits which were enjoyed by all followed by birthday cake and a rendition of Happy Birthday. The singing, hummm, I would suggest none of the hash give up their day jobs!
Now what don’t you do when it’s a ladies (loose term!) birthday………… ask here age! Do you Grasshopper!!
Next weeks athletic outing…………………
712 24-Oct-12 Winchester Arms, Trull, Big Bird and Chunky
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